The coverage below originally appeared in the September 1981 edition of the Cougar Connection student newspaper. A PDF version of the issue can be viewed here. We have done our best to reproduce the stories authentically below, but we thank you in advance for your understanding regarding any mistakes or typos we may have made during the transcription process.
Principal – Joe Shelton
Every new school year brings with it many changes. One of the most significant changes is our new principal, Mr. Joseph Shelton.
Mr. Shelton comes to us with twenty-one years of teaching and administrative experience. He worked as a coach for 11 years in Houston Independent School District with football. Basketball, and baseball. Mr.Shelton then transferred to Channelview High School, where he served three years as Assistant Principal; His next administrative position was as Assistant Principal at C.E. King Senior High School in the Sheldon Independent School District. His most recent position was Associate Principal at Cypress-Fairbanks High School.
Mr. Shelton graduated from Jefferson Davis High School. He worked for his Bachelor of Science and Masters degrees at Sam Houston State University.
He enjoys all outdoor sports, including hunting, fishing, and downhill snow-skiing.
Mr. Shelton’s wife is a senior counselor at Jersey Village High School. Both of his children graduated from Cy-Fair High School. His oldest is a senior at Sul Ross, and his younger daughter is a junior at UT Medical School.
Many changes can be expected from the new administration, although few are major. Mr. Shelton’s prime concern is to establish more contact between the administration and the students. He plans to organize a Student Advisory Committee so that students who are not involved in school activities can also have a voice. Mr. Shelton is interested in building more pride and tradition and making our four years in high school a truly worthwhile experience. He stresses his willingness to listen to any of the students at any time and said he want the student body to know that “we (the administration) care what they think and respect their opinion.”
Some of the lesser changes include having the snack-bar open in the mornings before school and in the afternoons after the busses leave for students who must stay after school, and a display of new students photographs so that they can be recognized and welcomed. A drape with the Cougar monogram on it is being made to hang in the Commons. There are also plans to fix the cougar and to establish a Cougar Hall of Fame for outstanding graduates of each graduating class. Suggestions for possible candidates are welcome, and may be submitted to Mrs. Kahla’s office.
Mr. Shelton’s goal is for each student to get involved. He would like to have everyone involved in some extracurricular activity. He feels that, above all, he is here for the students, and strives to maintain a curriculum and policy in their best interest.
The only problem Mr. Shelton foresees is the parking situation. This year, the teachers have assigned spaces, but the students will still have to fight the crowds for a decent spot. He does not think that the problem will be taken care of immediately, and suggestions for solving the problem are welcome.
Joe Shelton brings with him some new and exciting traditions and policies. He wants his student body to understand his policies and to participate in the traditions. This year will be the best year ever for Cypress Creek, especially since we have Mr. Shelton’s guidance and assistance.
Jim Wells – Assistant Principal
This year at Cypress Creek, Mr. Jim Wells is no longer called Coach Wells, because of his new role as assistant principal. As part of the administrative change, Mr. Wells moved out of the English department and into the Assistant Principal’s office. He will also no longer be coaching in order to devote more time to his new positions.
After five years at Spring Branch High School, Mr. Wells moved to Cypress Creek in 1979. He has had a very successful coaching career. To him, coaching was important but now it has been set aside because of his new position as assistant principal.
He will be in charge of the audio visual materials, club and organizations, and school budget, as well as the ninth grade.
Mr. Wells feels comfortable at Cypress Creek because he is familiar with the environment and the students. He would like to institute a positive school climate in which teachers enjoy teaching and students enjoy learning with full cooperation.
Mr. Wells’ toughest adjustment so far is keeping up with the small duties in his busy schedule. Mr. Wells likes a challenge and he has his work cut out for him this year. Mr. Wells feels this will be a good year for faculty and students alike in this school year.
Judy Kahla – Associate Principal

“It’s our school, too!” says new associate principal Judy Kahla, part of a recent phenomenon at Cy-Creek — visible principals. Mrs. Kahla believes that a principal should visit classes, get to know students and teachers instead of staying in an office all day.
Not that Mrs. Kahla doesn’t have her share of paperwork. A few of her duties as associate (not assistant) principal are: to monitor the lesson plans of teachers, research student’s curriculum, evaluate school tests, and occasionally discipline a student.
For a tough, busy job like this, qualifications are needed, and Mrs. Kahla has plenty. She has been in the Cy-Fair school district for ten years. Teaching English at Cy-Fair, and later Department Head at Jersey Village, Cy-Creek is not an unfamiliar name to her because her son Byron, 19, was a member of Cy Creek’s first graduating class.
Along with her son Byron, Mrs. Kahla has a husband, Harold, and a 20 year old son. She likes classical and country western music, and her taste in food includes everything.
Junior counselor Mrs. Keener, who is a former neighbor of Mrs. Kahla, says she is a very friendly and sweet lady.
Jack Worthington – Assistant Principal

There are many new faces this year at Cypress Creek, one of which is Mr. Jack Worthington, former Spring High School basketball coach.
Mr. Worthington is the new Assistant Principal in charge of juniors. This year, he will also be in charge of school parking and the building.
Mr. Worthington does not have any immediate plans for Cypress Creek, though he wants to make our school even better than it is, in the future.
Mr. Worthington has coached or been an Assistant Principal for the past 21 years in various high schools. While he was a head coach, he led nine of his baseball teams to district titles, including last years [sic] Spring team. This year he will not be coaching any sports.
Mr. Worthington graduated from South West Texas State University, and was on their national championship basketball team in 1960. He was a senior that year and started at guard. He also has many hobbies, including hunting, fishing, and skiing.
Mr. Worthington has a daughter, who is a cheerleader at Westville High. His son is playing basketball at the University of Texas and was a two year all-star in high school. His wife is a teacher at Bammel Middle School.