Selfies declassified, the photo survival guide

February 23, 2015

The art of taking selfies takes years of exquisite training and practice and must be performed carefully for best results. Not everybody has been blessed with the natural talent of gracefully taking some of the most elegant and charming photos of themselves, so here’s some tips to help even the most inexperienced front-camera-users.

Embrace all angles.

No good selfie looks its best head on. Utilize your features by experimenting with all different angles around you. The same pose, look and angle gets tiring after awhile, and trust me no one wants to see the same thing over and over and over again.

Be candid.

Some of the best selfies turn out to be those not posed. Just relax and document what’s going on with you, your friends and what’s happening around you.

Experiment with lighting.

Nothing says a perfect selfie like a pitch black photo where your audience is guessing which smudge is your lovely face.

Use props.

To accentuate the negative spaces in your photos or you know, to cover up that one pesky hair that will not get itself together and cooperate. Do not let it defeat you. Add some shades to block out the haters, you do you.

Show yourself.

Let the world know what amazing outfit you currently wear. Show them your feet in the sand. Show them you are not just a face on the screen, or that you are it’s up to you.



Don’t be afraid to express yourself, both physically and mentally.

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