‘Starting Early for Success’
Photo by: Miranda Duncan
Leggio passes out dual credit and advanced placement forms to parents who attended the college credit meeting.
March 16, 2015
To inform students interested in earning college credit in high school, College and Career Specialist Amber Stephens and College and Career Academy counselor Angela Leggio, held a “Starting Early for Success” meeting on Mar. 3 at 6:30 a.m. in the Auditorium.
Stephens and Leggio put together this meeting for students and parents to learn more about Advanced Placement (AP) and dual credit (DC) classes, such as how to register, fees and benefits. The meeting also addressed what students should do if they feel like they might struggle in advanced classes.
“Ms. Leggio and I get the necessary registration papers [at the meeting],” Stephens said. “It is especially important to learn about the calendar for dual credit registration, including some important dates for getting help with the Lone Star application, on-campus Texas Success Initiative (TSI) testing, and registration deadlines.”
Stephens encourages students and parents to continue signing up for AP and DC classes.
“They can save students time and money in college by allowing students to begin earning credits in high school,” she said. “They are also the best preparation for college.”
DC class registration ends on May 22 and AP class registration will continue through the freshman registration and sophomore or junior conferences.
“They offer the highest level of coursework available at Cy Creek, and they also provide the advantage of offering advanced grade points,” Stephens said. “It is a great opportunity.”