“Who runs the world? Girls.”
Thousand Girls in Pearls is an unnecessary measure in a world controlled by women
Photo by: Miranda Duncan
After many years hosting the annual Thousand Guys in Ties conference, Cy Creek will begin to host Thousand Girls in Pearls. Although many people support the decision, the school should not begin this tradition because young women clearly do not need the motivation to succeed.
Inspiring young women to achieve and succeed goes against the nature of women. Historically, women naturally lack purpose and ambition in society – from gathering a measly 80 percent of food in hunter-gatherer societies to the unimportant job of sustaining the American economy when soldiers went to war. Modern society already encourages women too much to go against their instinct to not contribute to society, and the school should not further damage the nature of women.
The school should not encourage young female students to succeed because women in the world hold too much power. Women comprise 19.4 percent of the United States Congress and a giant total of one woman currently runs for president – a position held previously by a small number of 44 consecutive men. If the school decides to host a conference inspiring young women to succeed, women of the world might soon gain more government representation and become far too powerful.
Some supporters of beginning the Thousand Girls in Pearls tradition argue that hosting conferences for both male and female students remains the only equal option. However, as seen throughout history, societies ruled by men become the only truly equal societies, and the school should not mess with tradition.
Hosting a Thousand Girls in Pearls continues the legacy of hundreds of years in which men have lacked rights and privilege at the hands of women. Men carried the burden of voting, possession of property and freedom since the beginning of time while women could live without such stresses. Hosting a Thousand Girls in Pearls conference insults the hundreds of years of male oppression and encourages women to continue such prejudices.
The school should refrain from hosting a Thousand Girls in Pearls seminar, and to encourage true equality, the school should host regular meetings to uplift the men of the school. The school must continue to work towards encouraging young male students in order to protect the world from the dangerous influence of powerful women.