Eat, sleep, play soccer

Photo courtesy of Julia Revils

Story by: Maci Smith, Feature manager

Playing soccer since the age of four, sophomore Julia Revils plays on the varsity soccer team as well as Challenge Soccer Club, a club team.

Q: What is your position?

A: I play center defense.

Q: Do you play for any other teams? What positions do you hold on those teams?

A: I play for Challenge, a club team, and I play midfield for it.

Q: Who is your soccer role model and why?

A: My soccer role model would be Megan Rapionoe and because she’s amazing at what she does and doesn’t give up in what she does.

Q: Can you describe your favorite memory that you’ve had playing soccer?

A: My favorite memory playing soccer is meeting different people at a time and getting close to them and having amazing experiences with them when we travel and play with each other.

Q: Who is your biggest soccer supporter and why?

A: My family and Branden [Hartwell] are my biggest supporters because they come to every game and sit in the freezing cold or the scorching hot and just cheer me on as much as possible.

Q: What does soccer mean to you?

A: Soccer means a lot to me because it clears my mind whenever times are rough and it keeps me in the loop with colleges that’s I’d love to go to one day.

Q:What inspired you to play soccer?

A: What inspired me to play soccer was my mom and dad. They have always been there for me and pushing me through everything and they’ve paid everything and it’s just a blessing to have them by my side through thick and thin.

Q: How many hours a week do you commit to soccer?

A: I play three days a week for club that’s an hour and a half and I play during 7th period and stay after school.

Q: Do you plan to continue with soccer after you graduate?

A: I do plan on playing soccer after high school. I’m hoping to for Texas State, because I’ve been wanting to go there for my studies and because of soccer.

Q: How did you feel when you scored a goal from halfway across the field?

A: Oh God, I was just so happy. We needed a goal to get us back and me getting as beautiful goal of a as that made me really really happy and excited.