NASA discovers seven new planets

    On Feb. 22, NASA announced the discovery of seven earth-sized planets placed around a single star, similar to our own solar system. The system, called TRAPPIST-1 after the telescope that discovered it, resides 40 light years from Earth in the constellation Aquarius.

    NASA has confirmed 3,449 other exoplanets including the new system; however,  TRAPPIST-1 exists in a habitable zone, which means they could support human life as they most likely have liquid water, proper atmospheric conditions and a rocky surface. The discovery comes as the newest step toward finding other life.

    All seven planets do not rotate like Earth does, so the same side of the planet always faces the sun, giving the planet one side of perpetual day and one side of perpetual night. The entire system reside closer to their sun than Mercury does to our sun and closer to each other than the moon is to the earth.